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För nån vecka sen damp “Tidskrift for Norsk Alpinklattring 11″ ned i brevinkastet och precis som av förra årets utgåva blev jag mycket imponerad. 80 sidor fullspäckade med bilder och text om klättring och klättrare. Återigen har redaktionen bestående av  Mårten Blixt, Geir Arne Bore, Bjarte Bø och Audun Bratrud gjort ett gediget arbete med […]

Patagonia: An inspired Moment

After a wet departing party for some gringos and a long night that ended up at the lokal Tango place in El Chalten, Thomas Meling and I got inspired to make use of the last little window of good weather. We started our hike up to Paso Guillamet after an early dinner and made it up […]

Patagonia, a late update.

A lot of stuff has been going on over last couple of weeks but too slow inetrnet connection. David and I have mostly unsucessfully attempted various things. A lot of cool stuff has been done by other climbers. Such as Magnus Eriksson’s and Thomas Meling’s integral ascent of the Mate y Porro” on the north pillar […]

Patagonia: First round

Back down in El Chalten again since a couple of days after two nights at the Piedra Negra bivvi and a quick hit in the mountains. Magnus, Thomas and I climbed the Fonrouge route on Aguja Guillamet in pretty snowy and cold conditions up to the ridge and rapped down the Guillotte couloir on my […]

Summit Post.