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Patagonia, a late update.

A lot of stuff has been going on over last couple of weeks but too slow inetrnet connection. David and I have mostly unsucessfully attempted various things. A lot of cool stuff has been done by other climbers. Such as Magnus Eriksson’s and Thomas Meling’s integral ascent of the Mate y Porro” on the north pillar of Fitzroy just houres after the first complete ascent. Here are a few pics from David’s and my attempt of the Pendulorama-Kearney/Night on the north pillar of Fitz. Unfortunately David got sick and started puking on the first bivi. A pity since conditions were perfect.  The pendulorama variation was not as bad as people have been saying and is in my opinion an excellent option if the gully from the other side isn’t in. A brilliant line in it’s whole that’s worth coming back for. Definately! We descended via the regular approach gully (bowling alley). Not recomended in warm weather! To quote Jules in Pulp Fiction: “That was divine intervention”.

Stemming up a not to bad corner on the Pendulorama. Photo: David Fält

Closing up on the North Pillar of Fitz from the west. Photo: David Fält

Photo: David Fält


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